Kokoro Alicia Hair


This mod will change Kokoro default hair style&color, remove and swap hair accessories to match Alicia style.
Alicia is the character from JRPG Valkyrie Profile 2 Silmeria, which was first published in 2006 on Sony PlayStation 2.

Color Setting

To change the hair color, please open "Alicia.Color.Setting.ini" with your text editor.
Edit the line "$\kokoroHairAlicia\color = 0"
0 = Brown (Alicia); 1 = Blonde (Silmeria); 2 = Black (Kokoro)

For example to change to Blonde:
$\kokoroHairAlicia\color = 1

Brown (Alicia)
Blonde (Silmeria)
Black (Kokoro)

Known Issues

The bangs may look weird on some angle.(Side/Back view)
The bangs also not fit the depth of field(and MXAO if you are using Reshade) when blow.


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